Renaultoloog is an hobby initiative of Ed
Lenders (2004 gegründet als
Renault aus einanderfiel in 2003). The main
issue of the & .com website is the brand Renault and it has evolved out of hobby and
preference for the brand Renault. This website has no connections whatsoever
with the Renault group or it’s sister companies. I am not in the employ of the
Renault group. The website intends to pay a tribute to the brand Renault, as
well as bringing together in an overview everything coming from, or ever made
by Renault. The site is made by and for Renault devotees, and it is for
informational purposes only. The website has been compiled with the utmost
care and no rights can be derived from its contents. The shown pictures and
data will be as truthful as the facts might be. In case of un-foreseen errors
in the contents of the web pages, the Renaultoloog will not take any liability
whatsoever. If possible, the error will be rectified as soon as possible.
Many links
to other sites are mentioned on the Renaultoloog web pages. The links have
been screened with the utmost care, but the Renaultoloog will not take any
liability whatsoever for their contents. In case of broken links, they will be
removed as soon as possible. To apply for a link is always possible, on
condition that the contents match with the contents of the Renaultoloog web
pages, and there must be the possibility of linking backward.
Personal Collection
Every model
car, model car building sets and Renault related items shown on the site are
owned by me and are not available for selling.
E-mail/Guest Book/Forum
E-mailing the Renaultoloog is open to anyone, and very
important in the widening of the Renaultoloog network, giving more and more
people the opportunity to share as much information as possible. The
Renaultoloog reserves the right to leave nameless e-mail unanswered. The same
is the case if the contents of the mail lack clarity or don’t match with the
Renaultoloog site. Responding to the mail may take some time, owing to
pressure of work of undersigned. After receiving an e-mail the sender agrees
that the address will be
added to the mailing list and the sender will receive for example the newsletter
De verzamelde E-mail adressen worden uitsluitend gebruikt voor het informeren
van Renaultliefhebbers. E-mail might be answered in a language different form the
sender’s language. The
Renaultoloog reserves the right to remove messages from the guestbook/forum.
Renaultoloogwebsite is een site zoals alle andere die voorzien is van een
bezoekersteller, cookies in de vorm van Google advertenties, HTML-banners
met links enz. Alle data die deze items met zich meebrengen worden niet door
Renaultoloog verzameld maar door externe partners. Data die wel door
Renaultoloog verzameld word zijn e-mailadressen wanneer men reageert uit
eigen initatief of middels aanmeldingen voor het Renaultoloog festival. De
e-mail adressen worden louter gebruikt om mensen te kunnen blijven
informeren over de stand van zaken rondom de Renaultoloog website en het
Renaultoloog Festival. E-mail adressen worden niet aan derden gegeven of
verkocht. Persoonsgegevens die worden ontvangen middels aanmeldingen voor
het Renaultoloog Festival worden vrijwillig zelf door de betreffende
personen aan Renaultoloog verstrekt. Deze gegevens worden alleen bij
Renaultoloog bewaard voor onbepaalde tijd en niet doorgegeven of verkocht
aan derden. Wilt u uw gegevens laten verwijderen uit de Renaultoloog
database, stuur dan een e-mail naar:
You are not
permitted to reproduce in any way the contents of the Renaultoloog web pages
and its format without the written permission of the webmaster. The
information used on the site has been taken over in trust of the legitimate
owners, with no other purpose than the promotion of the brand Renault. Apart
from that applies general copyright.
No rights whatsoever can be derived from this website
änderungen vorbehalten!
Renaultoloog website is an unofficial part of the Renotoloog
foundation, registerd at the chambre of commerce Limburg,
Netherlands under number 51111349
Stichting Renotoloog:
Renault Otologie initiatief
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©2004-2024 Renaultoloog - Eddy Lenders