I collect various scale models from
Renault. I ranged them into these groups: Cars, Trucks & Vans, Buses,
Tractors, Racing sport and Other. On the whole I got a nice collection,
throughout the years. I buy new models: in a shop, via the internet or, and that is even nicer, I search for them on jumble markets
or bring them as a souvernir from vacation. Somtimes I become models for
free. I have
models in various scales, such as: 1:16, 1:24, 1:32, 1:43, 1:87, and 1:100. Manufacturers
are, among others: Matchbox, Majorette, Solido, Vitesse, Norev, Brittains,
Siku and Minichamps etc. I don’t keep the boxes, they don’t have any
value for me because I do not sell my collection. I own some of my models since my childhood, on others I put some
details, such as Logo’s or the colouring of the lights. I showed my collection
more often at the Renaultoloog Festival.