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Overview of all Renault cars

Louis Renault started with the construction of his first car in 1898. On Christmas Eve of that year, he made a demonstration tour with this self-made “vehicle” through the streets of Paris. This voiturette was equipped with a De Dion engine (273cc, 1.75hp, 1 cylinder), as well as an adapted (by himself) gearbox from Emile Levassor: fitted with the “prise direct” system: a direct-drive transmission system. This was the base of a long history. Throughout the years Renault shows a multiplicity of models. In this module I will give an overview of the different types, designs, dates and the cars’ designations. Unfortunately, it is impossible for me to quote  all the types, however, a greater part of the catalogue will be passing by in this section. Renault has already produced cars for more than a 120 years. One can divide this century in periods, in which recognizable, similar models were available. All this will become clear when we go over these periods. Travel with me through time…


The early years of Renault were mostly dedicated to car racing, with great success at various long-distance races. Success is good advertising, so Renault sold many cars of several types. Till 1904 they used the one-cylinder De Dion and Aster engines. The location of the radiator, at the backside of the hood, behind the engine, was a typical Renault feature, and the result was the a hood named “alligator” or “cheese cover,” seen on most of the models up to 1929. From 1904 onwards Renault produced the car engines themselves, and after 1905 the models were equipped with 2 and 4 cylinder engines. Renault is flourishing. Quality and car comfort became better and better, engine power and top speed increased. Renault used characters for type name indication right from the beginning, but throughout the years a great and almost confusing programme came into being. The letter codes told something about the chassis and the used technology, which meant that Renault only made the chassis, the engine, the hood and the suspension. Renault began to set things right in 1908. They started serial production of the type AX. Though they were based on the same principles, cars with a different chassis, coachwork and motor version got a type name with added  characters. Renault got a plant to produce their own coachwork in 1912. However, various kind of coachwork were made by different car manufacturers. During the first World War Renault produced also engines for tanks and aircraft.

1898 Voiturette

1899 type A

1900 type B

1900 type C

1900 type D

1901 type G

1901 type H

1901 type J

1903  type L , type M

1903 type NA/NB/S

1903 type NC/Q/UA

1903 type P

1903 type R 1904 type T

1904 type  UB

1904  type UC

1904 type UD

1905 type YA

1905 type ZA 1905 type V/VA/VB/VC/AS

1905 type XA

1905 type ABA

1905 type ABB

1905 type XB

1905  type XC

1905 type AE

1905 type AF

1905 type AH/AM

1905 type X/X1

1905 type Y

1906 type AI

1906 type CF

1906 type DQ/type ET

1907 type AI35

1907 type AI45

1907 type AI sport/type CT

1907 type AT

1907 type BF

1907 type CG

1907 type CI

1908 type AG1

1908 type AX

1908 type AR

1909 type AS

1909 type AZ/ type BZ

1909 type JR

1909 type V1

1909 type CB

1909 type BH

1910 type BK

1910 type BX

1910 type BY

1910 type BM/BF/CD

1911 type AG1

1911 type CC/type DJ

1911 type CE

1911 type CG

1911 type CQ/type DM

1911 type Y-2-2

1912 type CF

1912 type CQ

1913 type CE

1913 type DG

1913 type EK

1913 type DO/EE

1913 type DP

1913  type DT

1913 type ES

1913 type HD

1914 type JM

1914 type HG

1914 type ED/FS

1914 type EF

1914 type EJ

1919 type EU

1919 type EU1


1919 type FE



After the first World War a wave of new Renault models appeared. It was a whole new generation of cars, four-wheel braked and equipped with electronic parts. Real serial production started. A top model was the 40cv, from 1923, with a 6-cylinder, 40 hp engine, a top speed of 130 km/h and looking like an impressive torpedo-chaser. One of the characteristics of this period was the fierce competition with André Citroën. To attract new buyers both manufacturers put in turns a new model on the market. The new Renault models had a combination of letters as type name indication, sometimes completed with a numeral, e.g. NN, KJ, NT, KZ2 etc. In those times Renault was a very conservative car builder. They avoided new developments or improvements and elaborated on the already existing cars. Over the years engine power increased (4 and 6-cylinder engines were available now), the “cheese cover” hood disappeared, as a following of the radiator to be moved to the engine’s front side. Something typical for the thirties too: Louis Renault using Ford and Chrysler cars as a model for designing his own new car models. A mania for “streamlined” models came into being, the wheels with spokes disappeared and models with more elegance were designed. Models got a name as type indication, like, for example, Vivastella and Primaquatre. Competition widened with brands like Peugeot, Simca and Fiat, trying to take advantage of the growing car market. Renault introduced a new top model in 1939, the Suprastella. A real super car (in those times) with an 8-cylinder, 110 hp engine and a top speed of 130 km/h. Put on the market as a presidential car for dignities and industrial magnates. WWII, in which Renault mostly choose the allies side, put an end to progress.

1920 type GR

1920 type GS

1920 type IG

1921 type MC

1921 type HF/IR/JD

1921 type HG

1921 type IQ

1922 type KZ

1922 type MT

1922 type NN

1922 type JS

1922 type JP

1922 type JM

1922 type II

1923 type JT

1923 type KR

1923 type JV1

1923 type MC

1923 type MT

1923 type JY Torpedo Skiff

1923 type KJ

1923 type KJ1

1923 type MG

1923 type NM

1925 type NN2

1925 type NO/NE

1926 Vivasix PG/PL

1926 Vivastella PG/PG1

1927 Vivastella PG2

1927  type RA

1927 type KZ1/2/3

1927 type NM

1927 type PI/PZ

1928 Vivasix PG2

1928 type NN1/NN2

1929 Monasix

1929 Reinastella RM

1929 Reinastella RM1

1929 Reinastella RM2

1929 Monastella RY1/2/3

1929 Monasix type SO

1930 type KZ4

1930 Nervastella TG

1930 Monastella

1930 Vivastella PG3/4

1930 Monasix RY

1930 Vivasix

1931 Vivasix KZ5

1931 Nervahuit  TG1

1931 Primaquatre KZ6/8

1931 Reinastella Décapotable

1931 Reinastella

1931 Monaquatre UY

1932 Celtaquatre

1932 Nervasport TG5

1932 Primaquatre KZ8

1932 Vivaquatre KZ6

1932 Vivaquatre KZ7

1932 Primastella PG

1932 Monastella RY4

1932 Nervastella TG2/4

1932 Reinastella RM2/3/4

1932 Reinasport PG5

1932 Vivastella PG5/7

1933 Monasix

1933 Monaquatre UY1/YN1

1933 Primastella coach découvrable

1933 Reinastella RM

1933 Primaquatre KZ10

1934 Celtaquatre ZR1/2

1934 Vivasport YZ4

1934 Monaquatre YN3

1934 Nervasport ZC2

1934 Nervastella ZD2

1934 KZ14

1934 Primastella PG10

1934 Reinasport RM6

1934 Vivaquatre KZ17

1934 Primaquatre KZ18

1934 Vivasport YZ2

1934 Vivastella ZA2

1935 Nervasport ACN1

1935 Nerva Grand Sport ABM3

1935 Nervastella ACS1

1935 Nervastella Grand Sport

1935 Vivasport ACM1 Décapotable

1935 Vivastella Grand Sport

1935 Vivastella ACR1

1935 Vivasport ACM1

1935 Vivaquatre KZ23 

1935 Viva Grand Sport ACX1

1935 Suprastella

1935 Primaquatre KZ24

1935 Monaquatre YN4

1936 Celtaquatre ADC1/3

1936 Nervastella ABM4/6

1936 Primaquatre ACL1/2

1936 Viva Grand Sport ACX2/3

1936 Primaquatre BDF1/2/ BDS1

1936 Viva Grand Sport Coach Décapotable BDV1

1936 Viva Grand Sport BDV1 1936 Viva Grand Sport BCX1/2/3

1936 Vivaquatre ADL1/2

1936 Vivaquatre BDH1/2/3/4

1936 Vivastella ADB1/2/3/4/5/BDZ1

1937 Juvaquatre AEB4

1937 Celtastandard ADC2

1937 Vivasport BCT/BCY

1938 Juvaquatre Décapotable

1938 Novaquatre BDJ1



1939 Primaquatre Sport BDS2

1939 Suprastella ABM8

1939 Suprastella BDP1



Hard times began with the start of the second world war. It is said of Louis Renault that he collaborated with the Germans. In reality he followed their orders, in order to spare his factory and employees. The factory was rebuilt immediately after every bombardment. Nevertheless, Louis Renault was prosecuted for collaboration. In September 1944 he was picked up, tortured and he died on 24 October 1944 at the age of 67. Renault becomes a nationalized company after the war, under the name Régie Nationale des Usines Renault, with Pierre Lefaucheux (former resistance leader) as the new director. It was this Pierre who took the first steps towards automatized production. Though it was forbidden to Louis Renault to develop anything that had to do with cars, a new car model was prepared in all secrecy. Mostly as a following of the German Kdf (Kraft durch Freude), which was the base of the Volkswagen Beetle, a car Louis Renault had seen, and he mostly desired to build a car like that. So, in 1941 the development of the 4cv started, a model presented in 1946, just after the war. The 4cv was a car that could meet the increasing demands for a comfortable, economical family car. Over the years, more than 4 million 4cvs have been made. As Mister Lefaucheux was killed in an accident Pierre Dreyfus became his successor. Right after the war the number of models was limited, but far more surveyable. Once again they got names as type name indication and serial production became standard now. Production numbers increased, the production of millions of cars of a certain type was no longer an exception. Some other legendary Renaults made in the fifties are the Dauphine, the Frégate (the last model with the engine at the frontside) and the Floride.

De R-nummers (bestaande uit 4 cijfers)

Het eerste cijfer geeft aan wat voor soort voertuig het is: 1=auto, 2=bestelauto benzine, 3=tractor benzine, 4=bestelauto en vrachtauto diesel en 7=tractor diesel.


De overige cijfers geven aan welke uitvoering het is, aanduiding van de techniek (motor- en chassisvariant) en het soort remmen, radiateur en ophanging dat worden gebruikt.


1946 4cv

1946 Juvaquatre Dauphinoise

1948 4cv Découvrable

1950 Colorale Prairie

1950 Colorale Savane

1951 Frégate

1953 Frégate Ondine Cabrio

1955 Frégate

1955 Alpine A106

1956 Domaine

1956 Dauphine

1957 Dauphine Gordini

1957 4cv

1958 Frégate Transfluide

1959 Caravelle


1959 Floride

1959 Frégate

1959 Manoir



Met de introductie van de Renault 4 in 1961 slaat Renault een geheel nieuwe weg in. Het is de basis van een zeer gevarieerde modellenreeks van auto's die ieder hun eigenschappen of innovaties hadden. Tot en met de Renault 19 wordt elk Renault model aangeduid met een cijfer (m.u.v. de Rodeo en de Fuego). Begin jaren '60 verschijnt een zekere Amédée Gordini op het toneel. Hij wordt zo'n beetje de huistuner van Renault. Hij maakt opgevoerde, sportieve modellen van enkele straatrenaults. Ook in de formule 1 sleutelt hij aan de diverse V6-motoren. Op de Renault 8 worden standaard 4 schijfremmen gemonteerd en is de de R14 de eerste Renault met een dwars voorin geplaatste motor. In 1978 sluit Renault een overeenkomst met AMC (American Motors Company), zodat de verkoop van Renaults in  Amerika kan beginnen. De R30 is de eerste naoorlogse 6-cilinder en de R20 is de eerste Renault auto die leverbaar is met een dieselmotor. De turbo wordt voor het eerst gezet op een motor van de Renault 5 en de Espace is de eerste Europese ruimtewagen. De jaren '80 verlopen rampzalig voor Renault vanwege heftige financiële verliezen, maar het tij keert als in 1988 de Renault 19 wordt geïntroduceerd. Hij zorgt ervoor dat het roestimago uit de jaren '70 en begin jaren '80 verdwijnt. Er worden auto's gebouwd vanuit een geheel andere filosofie: kwaliteit.

1960 Alpine coupé 2+2

1961 R4

1961 Ondine


1962 R8

1962 Caravelle

1962 Alpine A108

1963 Alpine A100 cabrio

1964 R8 Gordini

1964 Rambler

1965 R16

1966 Alpine A110

1967 R10

1967 Alpine A110 1300g

1968 R6

1968 R4

1968 R4 Plein Air

1969 R12

1969 Rodeo

1969 Alpine A110 1600

1969 R4 Fourgonnette

1970 R12 break

1970 R12 Gordini LEES MEER!

1971 R15

1971 R17

1971 Alpine A310

1971 Renault mini 4 S

1972 R5

1974 R7

1975 R4

1975 R4 F4

1975 R4 F6

1975 Rodeo

1975 R15

1975 R17

1975 R20

1975 R30

1976 Le Car

1976 R14

1976 R5 Alpine

1976 Alpine A310

1978 R4  GTL

1978 R4 F4

1978 R18

1978 R18 break

1978 Le Car


1980 R5 turbo

1980 R14

1981 R9

1981 Fuego

1981 Rodeo

1981 R18i deluxe sedan

1981 R18i deluxe wagon

1982 Fuego racy

1983  R5 turbo 2

1983  R11

1983 Alliance

1984 Super 5

1984 R25

1984 Espace

1984 Encore 5

1984 Encore 15

1985 R5 GT Turbo

1985 R25 Limousine LEES MEER!

1985 Alpine GTA V6T

1985 Express/Rapid/Extra

1985 Alliance convertible

1986 R21 sedan

1986 R21 Nevada

1986 R21 Turbo

1987 R5

1987 R5 GT Turbo

1987 R9

1987 R11

1987 Medallion sedan 1987 Medallion Break 1987 Premier

1988 R19

1988 R21 sedan

1988 R21 hatchback

1988 R21  Nevada

1988 R21 Turbo

1988 R25

1989 R5 Baccara LEES MEER!


1989 R19 Chamade

1989 R19 16v

1989 R19 16v Chamade

1989 R19 Cabrio



Vanaf begin jaren '90 worden de personenauto's gebouwd volgens een nieuwe management politiek: totale kwaliteit. Renault wil weer groeien en concurrerend worden, met name op internationaal niveau. Het gehele autoprogramma wordt dan ook vernieuwd en vooral verbeterd. Duidelijk merkbaar is dat er een geheel nieuwe weg is ingeslagen. De jaren '90 staan ook in het teken van de Concept Cars, diverse studie modellen worden gepresenteerd met typenamen die later terug komen in fabrieksmodellen. Vanaf de Clio hebben alle nieuwe Renaults voortaan weer een naam als typeaanduiding. Renault beschikt nu over een zeer groot assortiment met als grootste voorbeeld de Mégane-serie, hiervan zijn maar liefst 5 varianten verkrijgbaar. Zo slecht als het in de jaren '80 ging zo goed ging het dus in de jaren '90. Tot 2 keer toe behaalt Renault de titel "auto van het jaar". In 1991 met de Clio en in 1997 met de Mégane Scenic. In de jaren '90 was Renault zeer succesvol als motorenleverancier in de Formule 1 en dat vertaalde zich in goede verkoopcijfers. Ander nieuws was dat eind 1993 een fusie met Volvo op het laatste moment niet door gaat omdat de Zweedse aandeelhouders zich terug trekken.

1990 Clio

1990 Clio

1991 Express/Rapid/Extra

1991 Espace

1991 Alpine A610

1992 R19 16v

1992 R19

1992 R19 Cabriolet

1992 Safrane

1992 Safrane Bi-turbo

1993 Twingo

1994 Clio Williams

1994 Laguna

1995 Express/Rapid/Extra

1995 Laguna break

1996 Clio

1996 Clio

1996 Mégane hatchback

1996 Mégane sedan

1996 Mégane Coupe

1996 Mégane Scénic

1996 Safrane

1996 Sport Spider

1997 R9 Broadway

1997 Espace

1997 Mégane cabriolet

1998 Clio

1998 Clio

1998 Grand Espace

1998 Kangoo

1998 Laguna

1998 Laguna break

1998 Twingo

1998 Clio Classic/Thalia

1999 Clio sport

1999 Mégane hatchback

1999 Mégane break

1999 Mégane cabriolet

1999 Mégane coupe

1999 Mégane Scénic


1999 Mégane classic

1999 Mégane Scénic RX4

1999 Clio V6



Since Renault, thanks to the U-turn of the nineties, came out of the dumps the time came for step two: distinction from other brands. With the presentation of the Avantime it becomes clear which way Renault wants to take in the 21st century. Adventurous and special design will become standard, because the cars of Renault must be clearly recognizable within the never-ending stream of similar cars. And it worked! We went into a new era with completely different cars. Safety plays an important role now, besides quality of course. Many Renault models get the maximum score of five stars in the EuroNCap-crash tests. Renault is establishing a place on the list of the world’s top sellers. But the 21st century will also bring the dispose of the divisions building the trucks, buses and tractors, to respectively Volvo, Irisbus and Claas. Only the cars, vans and the activities concerning car racing are left to Renault.

2001 Avantime

2001 Clio

2001 Clio

2001 Kangoo 4x4

2001 Laguna

2001 Laguna Grand Tour

2002 Clio Classic/Thalia

2002 Clio v6

2002 Espace

2002 Grand Espace

2002 Mégane

2002 Mégane

2002 Vel Satis

2003 Kangoo

2003 Kangoo 4x4

2003 Mégane sedan

2003 Mégane CC

2003 Mégane Grand Tour

2003 Scénic

2004 Grand Scénic

2004  Mégane RS

2004 Modus

2005 Twingo

2005 Laguna

2005 Laguna Grand Tour

2005 Logan

2005 Vel Satis

2005 Clio

2005 Clio

2005 Kangoo

2006 Mégane

2006 Mégane

2006 Mégane Classic

2006 Mégane CC

2006 Mégane Break

2006 Espace

2006 Scénic

2006 Grand Scénic

2006 Clio/Thalia/Symbol

2007 Scénic Conquest

2007 Twingo

2007 Laguna

2007 Laguna Estate

2007 Sandero

2007 Kangoo

2007 Clio Grand Tour

2007 Modus

2007 Grand Modus

2008 Koleos

2008 Laguna GT

2008 Laguna GT Estate

2008 Thalia Symbol

2008 Safrane

2008 Kangoo Be Bop

2009 Mégane

2009 Mégane coupé

2009 Mégane Estate

2009 Scénic

2009 Grand Scénic

2009 Clio

2009 Clio GT

2009 Clio Estate

2009 Laguna coupé

2009 Fluence

2009 Sandero Stepway

2009 Mégane Renault Sport

2010 Twingo Gordini 2010 Wind

2010 Kangoo MAXI

2010 Mégane CC
2010 Latitude 2011 Scala 2011 Duster 2011 Koleos 2011 Twingo
2012 Scénic 2012 Grand Scénic 2012 Pulse 2012 Grand Kangoo 2012 Espace
2012 Grand Espace        


De visie van Laurens van den Acker wordt zichtbaar...

2012 Clio 2012 Scala 2012 Clio 2012 Twizy 2012 Fluence
2012 Symbol 2013 Captur 2013 Kangoo MAXI ZE 2013 Scénic 2013 Grand Scénic
2013 Scénic XMOD 2013 Clio Estate 2013 Kangoo 2013 Zoe 2013 Koleos
2013 Mégane Hatchback 2013 Mégane Coupé 2013 Mégane Estate 2013 Mégane RS 2013 Logan
2014 Twingo 2014 Espace 2015 Kadjar 2015 Clio 2015 Kwid
2015 Talisman 2015 Talisman Estate LEES MEER! 2015 Sandero RS 2015 Mégane 2015 Mégane GT
2016 Kwid Climber 2016 Kwid Racer 2016 Mégane Estate 2016 Scénic 2016 Kaptur
2016 Koleos 2016 Grand Scénic 2016 Twingo GT 2016 Clio 2016 Clio Estate
2016 Clio RS 2016 Mégane Grand Coupé 2016 Lodgy 2017 Captur 2017 Alpine A110
2017 Mégane RS 2018 Kadjar LEES MEER! 2019 Clio 2019 Twingo 2019 Koleos
2019 Alpine A110 S 2019 Sandero Stepway 2019 Sandero Stepway sedan 2019 Sandero RS 2019 Zoe
2019 Captur 2019 Espace 2020 Mégane 2020 Triber, India 2020 Talisman
2020 Talisman Estate 2020 Clio E-tech Hybrid 2020 Captur E-tech Plug-in Hybrid 2020 Mégane Estate E-tech Plug-in Hybrid 2020 Kwid
2020 Arkana E-tech Hybrid 2020 Captur E-tech Hybrid 2020 Mégane E-tech Plug-in Hybrid 2020 Twingo Electrique 2020 Mégane Gran Coupé
2020 Express 2020 Kangoo      


Renaulution: Groupe Renault maakt zich klaar voor de toekomst en presenteert een nieuwe strategie die uit drie fasen bestaat. Tot en met 2025 presenteren de merken van Groupe Renault maar liefst 25 nieuwe producten, waarvan zich de helft in het Mégane- en Talisman-segment bevindt. Een groot deel van de nieuwkomers is volledig elektrisch. 24 nieuwe modellen tot 2025, 10 electrisch en een nieuwe focus. Renault moet volgens Groupe Renault staan voor 'modern en innovatief' en legt daarbij onder meer een grote focus op technologie, aandrijflijnen en mobiliteitsdiensten. Renault belooft dat het merk in Europa een waar offensief zal starten in het C-segment. Renault brengt in Europa tegen 2025 zeven C- en D-segmenters op de markt.

2021 Kiger 2021 Taliant 2021 Mégane E-Tech Electric 2022 Austral 2022 Kangoo E-Tech Electric
2023 Espace 2023 Clio 2023 Rafale 2023 Scénic E-Tech 2023 Grand Kangoo E-Tech Electric
2024 Kardian 2024 5 E-Tech Electric 2024 Captur 2024 Symbioz 2024 Alpine A290
2024 Duster 2024 4 E-Tech Electric 2024 Grand Koleos    

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