en Route
3rd Renaultoloog en Route
Road Trip, Meeting & Market
& 7 September 2025 / 10-18h / Gemeenschapshuis "de Smêlentôs,
Patersstraat 22, 5977NM, Evertsoord, NL
Back in 2020 I had
decided to organize a road trip in the year that there would be no
festival (in odd years). A 1-day event for Renault drivers to drive
together through the area of Noord-Limburg and Oost-Brabant. We
have done that twice now (2021 and 2023), the first road trip was
quite long, 110 km, but that was because I wanted to keep the
stopover at Tony Vos. The second road trip was a trip of about 90
km. The 2025 road trip will be about 60-70 kilometers long.
The theme of the
3rd road trip is: Rowwen Hèze, the Peel (protected nature reserve)
and the Peelrandbreuk (subterranean fracture) ! Christiaan Hesen is
a strange village figure from the Limburg village of America, NL (born
Horst, NL, 19 May 1853 - died Steyl, NL, 5 February 1947), who would
become legendary posthumously. Hesen, who bore the nickname Rowwen
Hèze (loosely translated: the rough one from Hesen) lived on the
Zwarte Plak in America, NL in the middle of the Peel. But Rowwen
Hèze is of course also the most famous music group from Limburg with
beautiful music!
The total cost of
participating in the road trip is €15 per vehicle.
Participants to the road trip will
receive a rally sign, a route book and 2 consumption coins. The road
trip can be driven on both Saturday or Sunday. As a tip, we advise
that it is wise to go with at least 2 people, 1 driver and 1
navigator. The road trip is only suitable for cars and vans. The
road trip can be driven at any desired time, it is also always
possible to drive together with other teams. Participation in the
road trip is entirely at your own risk!
Read more about Christiaan Hesen:
De legende van Rowwen Hèze
Read more about the band here:
Rowwen Hèze
Read more about the book Icoon, about
Rowwen Christiaan Hèze, written by Jan Philipsen (Former member of
music group Rowwen Hèze):
Boekbeschrijving - Jan Philipsen
Read more about the Peelrandbreuk:
Geopark – Het barst hier van de breuken
Number of Road Trip participants til now:
5 |
via e-mail:
or via Whatsapp:
mention in your subscription:
License plate:
Which day(s):
Number of persons:
Subscription can be done
until monday 1st of September 2025!

the road trip costs
IBAN bank
account number: NL92RABO 0157960668 BIC/SWIFT: RABONL2U
by PayPal (
In name of: Stichting Renotoloog, Sevenum,
subject: RMM25 ROAD
TRIP + name + city + country
After receipt of payment
(€15,-) you will receive the start card,
take this start card digitally or in printed
version to the Renaultoloog Meeting and
Market. Report at the Boutique Renaultoloog
with this start card, then you will receive
a printed route description, a rally sign
and 2 consumption coins. Time of departure
between 10 and 13h. You
can also drive together with other cars.
Before, during and after the tour there is a
cozy get-together during the meeting on the
show parking, there is a market and
there is catering available in and around
gemeenschapshuis "de Smêlentôs" in
The Renaultoloog en Route road trip
and meeting will be held in every odd year,
and wil
cover an other area each year (see the petals on the image)
Renaultoloog en Route
Trip and Meeting
1 October 2023
We hebben een
geweldige dag gehad tijdens de 2e Renaultoloog en Route
toertocht en meeting bij de Smêlentôs in Evertsoord!
Mede dankzij het mooie weer maar nog meer
dankzij de geweldige inzet van mijn team en deelnemers is
het een groot succes geworden! Mijn dank is super groot
hiervoor! Er was een grote opkomst van bijna 120
voertuigen waarvan er ongeveer 45 de toertocht reden. De route van
dit jaar liep door Zuidoost-Brabant en was ongeveer 90km lang. De
route kwam door Helenaveen, Neerkant, Heusden, Asten, Lierop,
Mierlo, Geldrop, Nuenen, Gerwen, Lieshout, Aarle-Rixtel, Bakel,
Deurne, Zeilberg en Griendtsveen. Er was op eigen gelegenheid een
tussenstop in Nuenen mogelijk, het dorp waar schilder Vincent van
Gogh een paar jaar van zijn leven doorbracht en in die tijd een paar
meesterwerken maakte. De meeting was erg gezellig en het
horecaterras goed gevuld. Verder hadden we een paar standhouders
aanwezig met onderdelen, boeken en miniaturen, en waren er leden van
diverse clubs present waaronder de Club d'Anciennes Renault des Pays
Bas. Geniet hieronder van een mooie fotoimpressie: |
Renaultoloog en Route Road Trip
O n
sunday the 12th of September 2021 I organized for the first the Renaultoloog en Route
road trip. The plan is to organize a road trip evey odd year, in the
years there is no festival. Every trip wil each time cover a new area with always the same start
and finish spot. After a stressfull period in 2020, with finally the canceling of the 5th
Renauloloog festival because of the impossible corona rules, by the end of that year i
found new energy to start organize something new. That is why I came with a
road trip, that finally resulted in a succesfull corona-proof
outside flow-through event! Because of the fact that is was a new
kind of event and it took place on a new location in Evertsoord
everything was new again. I learned a lot again and wrote down some
improvements for the next time. The trip itselves came through Panningen, Heibloem, Leveroy, Ell, Swartbroek, Tungelroy, Stramproy, Bocholt
(B), Lozen (B), Hamont (B), Budel, Gastel, Soerendonk, Leende, Heeze, Asten,
and Helenaveen. During the trip there was a
break in Gastel at Renaultexpert and Renault admirer Tony Vos
where he showed some of his beautifull Renault classics. I am very thankfull
to everbody for his or her contribution to this event! Special thanks to my
team of volunteers, Ger en Hay van Enckevort and Stichting gemeenschapshuis "de Smêlentôs" Evertsoord. Thanks to all participants, exhibitors and dealers. We
had a nice mixture of old and new cars, vans, trucks and tractors! See you
at the next edition!
naar bijzondere mensen met bijzondere Renaults
2019, Agriculture excursie bij de
familie Tavernier en de familie Labis, België
2017, Agriculture excursie Ferdinand Dijkstra,
Rutten, NL
©2004-2025 Renaultoloog
- Eddy Lenders